The finite element model has been validated with the field test results of load and deformation conducted on trial sections built near Dandeli Reserve forest in Karnataka state highway No. Slow cyclic testing in various stages has been performed with varying loads to study the resilient behavior of reinforced and unreinforced granular layers and the Modulus Improvement Factor (MIF) is determined due to the Geocell inclusion. Geocell has been simulated as plate material and tyre pressure has been simulated using loading on circular plate. The behavior of sub-base and subgrade soil has been simulated using linear elastic model and Mohr–Coulomb yield criterion, respectively.
In this study, finite element analyses are carried out using PLAXIS 3D software for realistic prediction of stress and deformation in granular sub-base layer of an unreinforced section as well as section reinforced with Geocell. The study is extended with the addition of 1% micro fine cement to the coconut fiber and soil mixture. Coconut fibers are added to the soil at different percentages from 0.5 (0.5) 2 considering aspect ratios 30, 50, 70 and 90. Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests are carried out to assess the strength and penetration characteristics for different combination of clay soil with coconut fibers and micro fine cement. Micro fine cement grout possesses high strength, durability, better flow properties and bleed characteristics than Ordinary Portland cement. Portland-based micro fine cement is used, which helps in improving the stiffness of paving materials, particularly those which include silt or clayey soils in the subgrade or base layer. Micro fine cement is blast furnace slag-based cement and Portland-based cement intended for grouting applications. In this study, subgrade soil is considered as clay soil, coconut fibers and micro fine cement are used to stabilize it. Mechanical and chemical stabilization methods are mostly useful for the stabilization of subgrade soils. Sometimes, the available soil may not satisfy the desired standards, therefore, it is required to improve the soil properties through various methods.

Good quality of subgrade soil is required to maintain the standards in the field of highway construction. The contents of this book are of interest to researchers and practicing engineers alike. The book presents papers on geotechnical applications and case histories, covering topics such as (i) Characterization of Geomaterials and Physical Modelling (ii) Foundations and Deep Excavations (iii) Soil Stabilization and Ground Improvement (iv) Geoenvironmental Engineering and Waste Material Utilization (v) Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (vi) Earth Retaining Structures, Dams and Embankments (vii) Slope Stability and Landslides (viii) Transportation Geotechnics (ix) Geosynthetics Applications (x) Computational, Analytical and Numerical Modelling (xi) Rock Engineering, Tunnelling and Underground Constructions (xii) Forensic Geotechnical Engineering and Case Studies and (xiii) Others Topics: Behaviour of Unsaturated Soils, Offshore and Marine Geotechnics, Remote Sensing and GIS, Field Investigations, Instrumentation and Monitoring, Retrofitting of Geotechnical Structures, Reliability in Geotechnical Engineering, Geotechnical Education, Codes and Standards, and other relevant topics. The conference brings together research and case histories on various aspects of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering. This book comprises select proceedings of the annual conference of the Indian Geotechnical Society.